The second stage of the monitoring related to the National Action Plan has been concluded

The second stage of the monitoring related to the National Action Plan has been concluded

The next monitoring conducted within the Project titled “Alternative Monitoring of the National Action Plan on implementation of the National Strategy on Increasing Transparency and Combating Corruption” financed by the Counterpart International with the funding of the United States Agency for International Development and carried out by coalition led by the Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League as leading organization together with Azerbaijan Confederation of Lawyers, Eurasian Association of Lawyers and Azerbaijan Young Lawyers Union has been concluded.
The aim of conducting Alternative Monitoring of the Action Plan on implementation of the National Strategy on Increasing Transparency and Combating Corruption was to increase effectiveness of combating corruption in Azerbaijan through providing active participation of civil society organizations on implementation of the Action Plan.
According to the Action Plan:

  • The Central Executive Power structures have to adopt activity plan concerning the execution of the National Strategy and must present it annually to the Commission on Combating Corruption until December 20 of each year.
  • The Central and Local Executive Power structures have to present information on state of the execution of the National Strategy to the Commission on Combating Corruption and the Cabinet of Ministers every 6 months.
  • The structures responsible for execution of the National Strategy have to present information on state of the execution of the National Strategy to the Commission on Combating Corruption and the Cabinet of Ministers every 6 months.

The monitoring conducted by the NGO coalition had also covered the above mentioned fields. There had been prepared the final report and recommendations as a result of monitoring. The document is going to be presented to the attention of corresponding structures and international organizations.

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