The UN Committee on Human Rights has announced its conditions and recommendations on the 3rd periodic review submitted by the Azerbaijan Republic to the Committee. The recommendations are posted on the official web site of the UN Higher Commissioner on Human Rights.
There were covered several issues raised by the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League on the recommendations, including the freedom of assembly, the issues concerning the tortures too.
It is proposed to the government of Azerbaijan to publish the recommendations and further to implement actions concerning the issues that are recommended. The 3rd periodic report of the Azerbaijani government was discussed during the 96th Session of the Committee conducted in Geneva on July 13 – 31, 2009. the Committee had sent 24 questions to the government of Azerbaijan before discussing the report and had received written answers to them. Besides, there were addressed a number of questions to the delegations from Azerbaijan during the proceeding of the Session. The representatives of the government of Azerbaijan had some troubles to answer several questions and they digressed from giving direct answers although the questions were given repeatedly. We would like to mention that the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League had presented an alternative report (contra) to the UN Committee on Human Rights on several provisions of the 3rd periodic review of Azerbaijan Republic.
These are the issues related to the articles 7 (torture and treatment or punishment disparaging human honor), 21 (freedom of assembly) and 22 (freedom of consolidation).
The presented alternative report was posted as an alternative to the periodic review of Azerbaijan Republic on the official web site of the UN Higher Commissioner on Human Rights.
The chairman of the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League Mr. Sahib Mammadov had also attended the Session of the Committee.
The institutional support to the activity of the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League is provided by the Open Society Institute (Human Rights and Governance Grant Program). The trip of the representative of the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League was financed by the Open Society Institute – Assistance Foundation Azerbaijan.
The CLPRL Press Service