The Plunder of natural resources in occupied territories of Azerbaijan, destruction of historical and cultural artifacts, change of geographical names and toponyms by Armenia

Ecological terror policy of Armenia in the occupied Azerbaijani territories and its consequences


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The legislation and the practice of its application Monitoring report


Report (Resume) on the application of the Law on “Compulsory insurance on cases of labor ability loss as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases” of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Report on the legıslatıon on the provısıon of the rıghts of vulnerable prısoners at penıtentıary ınstıtutıons and monıtorıng of the practıce of ıts applıcatıon


Situation with provision of the rights of migrant workers and their family members in Azerbaijan legislation and practice report on outcomes of the monitoring


Monitoring of state of assurance of labor rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan legislation and practice monitoring report


Real property in the Republic of Azerbaijan monitoring report


Protection of labor in the Republic of Azerbaijan legislation and practice report on outcomes of the monitoring


Monitoring of observance of the freedom of assembly in the Republic of Azerbaijan legislation and practice monitoring report


Obtaining information in Azerbaijan Republic legislation and practice report on results of monitoring


Government Hotline Services in Azerbaijan Monitoring report


Alternative Monitoring: Implementation of Government Action Plan to Combat Corruption Final Report


The monitoring over the implementation of the addressed state social assistance


Report on monitoring the activities addressed to solve the social problems of refugees and internally displaced people